The "Million Dollar" School

The "Million Dollar" School
Great Memories Here

Ogden High Tigers

Ogden High Tigers
"Need I say more?"

Friday, May 14, 2010

OHS68-Turning 60 Birthday Party, 23July, Huntsville, 5:00pm

Atten: All alumni of OHS68, we are all turning 60 this year and we are having our Turning 60 Birthday Party, Fri, July 23, Huntsville from 5-9 pm. Put this on your calendar. The party will be at Texas Pride Barbecue, in Huntsville, Utah
They have a great menu:

There is a private park behind the restaurant.

For more extreme partying you can walk right to The Shooting Star as it is at the other end of this secluded Park. It's in the shade all day. Really cool. The band will play from 6-9. Way relaxed and informal. There will be no charge for the facilities. The food and drink is of course are not free. It will be really fun and a chance to keep connected waiting for the 50th Reunion. Can you believe it has already been two years? We'll need to get some updated email addresses and things but make a mark your calendar 23July and let's have some fun. dc

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Great Tiger Dive

There is Skydiving that day with Diana Jay Alder. Her FaceBook for the The Great Tiger Dive is below and she is calling out to all brave Tigers to join her:
Do you want to make this year memorable and give you something to talk about at our 50th reunion? Well, now is your chance. Come and skydive with us. Have you done it before?

If I get a group of 10 or more the rate drops to $170.  I need to know as soon as possible as the Cut Off will be July 9th, so get going!
My email is:,

This is the web site for the skydiving company:

Here is a great Video to view.

The Great Tiger Golf

Hi....... to all of my OHS '68 graduates. Since we all had such a great time at our 40th reunion we decided to get together again & we didn't want to wait another 10 years. So...... to celebrate the fact that we are all turning 60 this year we have a party organized while we can still remember everyone. Dave asked me to organize  a golf tournament..........not a smart move on his part. I think he is getting senile. So we need to get together ASAP!

I've reserved The Barn on July 23rd starting at 8:00 am for a fun game of golf. I would like to get a head count as soon as I can; spouses, boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, significant others are invited, too. This is just the first of many emails I will you have been warned. I will get the price for each player soon. We will be getting the senior discount.....hahahaha. We will have a light lunch after the game. Here is the link to the course:

Also, let me know if you or someone you know could donate any prizes for closest to the hole, longest drive & best score & worst score. I could use other ideas too.

Please spread the word about our party, and forward this to anyone that you think would be interested from our class. These are the only email address' we have right now, and would love to have as many graduates as possible there for all the events of the day. If you have any questions about all the activities for July 23rd email  me. Thanks to all, I'm hoping to see all of you soon at one of the many events that are planned for this day.
